The Bible Project Daily Podcast

What Does it Mean to be a Disciple and a Christian. (Acts 24: 5-14)

Pastor Jeremy R McCandless Season 16 Episode 49

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Welcome Message

Welcome to The Bible Project Daily Podcast, where we explore Scripture, theology, and Christian living one passage at a time. In this episode, we examine Acts 24:5-14 as we ask, "What Does it Mean to be a Disciple and a Christian?" Join us as we uncover the depth of these terms and explore how they shape our identity as followers of Jesus.

Episode Notes

Episode Title: What Does it Mean to be a Disciple and a Christian
Key Scripture: Acts 24:5-14


  • Defining Our Identity:
  • Christian: A Name Given by Outsiders (Acts 11:26):
  • Disciple: A Learner and Apprentice (Acts 11:26):
  • Baptism and Community:
  • Followers of The Way (Acts 24:5, 14):

Key Themes:

    • Unity: Living as a family of faith requires submission, patience, and grace.
    • Mentorship: Spiritual growth is fostered by role models within the church.


  • Christianity is not a solitary journey. We are called to be disciples in community.
  • Baptism symbolizes both personal transformation and inclusion in the church family.
  • Discipleship involves learning, living out faith, and becoming like Christ in action.
  • Names matter—living as a "Christian" means honouring Christ in every aspect of life.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does the term "Christian" shape your identity and mission in life?
  2. What practical steps can you take to grow as a disciple within your local church?
  3. Who are the mentors and role models who inspire you in your walk with Christ?

Join us next time as we continue to explore God's Word together!

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What Does it mean to be a Disciple and a Christian. (Acts 24: 5-14)



5 “We have found this man to be a troublemaker, stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world. He is a ringleader of the Nazarene sect 6 and even tried to desecrate the temple; so, we seized him. 8 By examining him yourself you will be able to learn the truth about all these charges we are bringing against him.” 9 The other Jews joined in the accusation, asserting that these things were true. 10 When the governor motioned for him to speak, Paul replied: “I know that for a number of years you have been a judge over this nation; so, I gladly make my defence. 11 You can easily verify that no more than twelve days ago I went up to Jerusalem to worship. 12 My accusers did not find me arguing with anyone at the temple or stirring up a crowd in the synagogues or anywhere else in the city. 13 And they cannot prove to you the charges they are now making against me. 14 However, I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets,

(Acts 24: 5-14)


If I asked you to describe yourself spiritually, what would you say? What term would you use to identify who you are in terms of faith?


Many of us might instinctively respond with the word "Christian." But what does that term really mean?


In most contexts today, saying "I’m a Christian" often communicates little more than, "I’m not Jewish or Muslim." 


The label has become broad and fragmented, covering a wide range of denominations and traditions. Even within Protestantism, for instance, the categories seem endless: Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran—and that’s just the beginning. If you call yourself a Baptist, which kind are you? 


Here in the UK here are English Baptists who in some respects have a different in outlook to Irish Welsh and Scottish Baptist who ten to lean more towards a sort of moderate Calvinism, there are also, Free Will Baptists, Primitive Baptists, Reformed Baptists, and many more. In fact, The Handbook of Denominations in the United Kingdom lists over 20 different varieties of Baptists alone!


But on top of that there are Presbyterians, Methodists, Church of England, Pentecostal, Churches, United Reformed Churches, Evangelical, Free evangelical, not to mention all the other groups and denominations in whatever country you happen to be living in. 


Should we see this as a problem, is it wrong that different local churches identify themselves in different ways or belong to different associations or denominations. My view is that are richness lies in our diversity and as long as those denominations and affiliations don’t separate on the core issues of our faith, that is all to the good.


In fact I think it is fair to say that one positive aspect of this diversity is that if one local fellowship goes theologically off the rails it does not bring the whole edifice crashing down because the authority is not imposed from above, but from within the local church communities.


However American comedian Emo Phillips harvesting his own Chicago Batist upbringing and pointed out the downside of multitude of separate churches and denominations with his usual serialist wit, but it has to be said also with some insight when he in the character of his usual bizarre persona tells this story


Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump, "Don't do it!" I said, "Nobody loves me." he said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"

He said, "Yes." So, I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said. What type of Protestant, Baptist he said, Me too, I said. What type of baptist?" Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"

He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." He said, "Me, too! "I said

Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Well then sadly my friend you’re a heretic!" You might as well jump.


So how do we identify ourselves? By our denomination and as a follower of Christ?


This question brings us to an important observation in the Book of Acts. 


As I studied it in preparation for this message, I noticed that Acts uses a variety of names to describe believers. What’s interesting is how these names reveal different aspects of our identity…..


Today, I want to focus solely on the names found in Acts and explore what it teaches us about being disciples of Jesus.


But let’s initially turn the clock back and listen again to a verse from  Acts 11:


"When he (Barnabas) found him (Paul), he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch."

(Acts 11:26)


The name Christian is probably the most familiar term for believers, yet it only appears three times in the entire Bible and here, in Acts 26:28 when King Agrippa says, "You almost persuade me to become a Christian," and in 1 Peter 4:16, where Peter refers to suffering as a Christian.


So where did this name come from? 


Well, the first thing to note it that it wasn’t one believers chose for themselves. It was a nickname given to them by outsiders in Antioch, a city known for labeling people with humorous or sometimes derisive nicknames. 


What does Christian mean? The suffix "-ian" in Greek denotes belonging to a party or group. Calling someone a Christian identified them as belonging to the "Christ-party"—followers of Jesus. It’s similar to the term "Herodians," which we see as referring to those aligned with Herod’s political faction.


While the term Christian was probably originally intended to mock, it does convey a truth we can embrace in that we belong to Christ and are identified with Him. 


However, in modern society, the word, “Christian”. has lost much of its original weight. For many, it simply a means to say, "I’m not another religion or I am religious."


Yet, the heart of the word still carries a profound implication: being a Christian means being part of a community devoted to Christ.


Calling someone a Christian is meant to identify them as belonging to a family of believers united by their faith in Jesus.


So, as we reflect on the term Christian, let’s remember its original meaning—not merely a label, but a statement of identity.


It declares that we are disciples of Jesus, members of His body, and part of His mission in the world. And that’s just the beginning of how Acts defines who we are as followers of Christ.


So that's the first name in the book of Acts that should catch our attention, but remember it was originally given to us by those who weren't always looking favorably upon us. So, I think my next question would be. What do we call ourselves?


 And that's in this Acts Chapter 11 verse 26 as well. 


The passage in Acts 11:26 tells us that "the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." While the term Christian is common today, it is not the name that the author of Acts, Luke, uses most frequently to identify followers of Jesus. He uses the word disciple.


The word disciple is referenced over 30 times throughout the book of Acts, often as "disciples of the Lord." It was the primary designation for 1st century believers. So, what does it mean to be a disciple?


Many of you are already familiar with the meaning of the word disciple. At its core, a disciple is a learner who has a teacher. As disciples of the Lord, we are learning from Him. I’ve emphasized this point many times before in our journey through the Gospels: The term disciple means learner. However, simply understanding it as "learner" may not fully convey the richness of the term. 


Let’s delve for a moment into its deeper implications.


In classical Greek, the word disciple carried the meaning of an apprentice. One respected Bible teacher, Warren Wiersbe, uses the term apprentice to describe the discipleship process, and I believe it captures the heart of the concept well. 


In ancient times, a student learning for instance to play the flute or a medical student training under an experienced doctor was called a disciple. Disciples bound themselves to their teachers to gain both theoretical and practical knowledge. The goal of discipleship was not just to acquire information but to develop skills under expert guidance, eventually becoming a teacher in their own right.


This emphasis on practical application is crucial here. When we think of learning today, we often picture students sitting in classrooms, passively taking notes. But biblical discipleship is not about knowledge alone. It’s about transformation.


Consider the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20:


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." 


Notice that Jesus didn’t instruct His followers merely to convey information; He commanded them to teach obedience. True discipleship involves life change, not just learning facts.


In this way, disciples are more than students—they are apprentices, actively learning to live differently. It’s not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about becoming like Jesus in thought, word, and deed.


Another significant nuance of the term disciple in Acts is its connection to the church. Several scholars have pointed out that in Acts, the term disciple often refers to those who are part of the local church.


In the original Greek bible texts the plural form "disciples" is frequently synonymous with the term “church". Discipleship inherently involves being part of a community of believers.


Discipleship, then, is both personal and communal. It means apprenticing under Jesus within the fellowship of His body, the church. It involves learning His teachings, observing His commands, and growing in obedience.


The command in Matthew 28:19 is to make disciples, which is then followed by the action words, “going," "baptizing," and "teaching"—describing how to fulfill this command.


In Mark 16:15, the parallel command is to "go into all the world and preach the gospel."


Both passages emphasize the same process: we go, preach the gospel, and lead people to trust Jesus for salvation. At this point, they become believers with the gift of eternal life, but this is just the beginning of discipleship.


Baptism plays a key role in discipleship. The Greek word for baptism, baptizo, means to dip or immerse, but it also conveys identification. Just as cloth dipped in dye takes on the color of the dye, baptism symbolizes our identification with Christ and His body, the church. It marks a public declaration of our intention to follow Jesus and obey His commands. It signifies our salvation but also looks forward to a life of discipleship. 


Baptism identifies us with a community of fellow disciples who are learning from Christ and following Him together.


Discipleship, therefore, is about more than personal growth—it’s about growing within the context of the church. It involves learning, living out the teachings of Jesus, and becoming more like Him, all while connected to His body of believers. 


We learn through a relationship, a relationship with the Lord and with each other. So that a disciple is somebody who is part of a group and they are relearning through that relationship.


Now, let’s move to a different name used in Acts 24. 


When Paul is accused before Felix, he is called “a ringleader of the Nazarene sect” (Acts 24:5).


Notice the word sect, which again implies a group. Where did this term Nazarene come from, and what does it mean?


When Paul responds to the charges in verse 14, he says, “I confess that I do worship the God of our ancestors, and I do that as a follower of, “The Way”, this group they call a sect.” 


Here, I think, rejects the label ‘Nazarene’, but embraces the identity it seeks to describe.


This idea of being called "The Way" is significant because it’s not an isolated incident. As we studied the book of Acts, we can see a pattern emerge. 


The term disciple appears over 30 times, and the phrase The Way to describe believers is used at least six times. Additionally, variations like the way of God (Acts 18), the way of the Lord, and the way of salvation (Acts 16) are also mentioned. But what does this phrase really mean?


Many Bible commentaries I have read all say that The Way is synonymous with the Christian faith. Some suggest it describes a new way of life, a way of salvation, thinking, and living. It’s more than just saying we believe certain truths; it’s also a mindset and a lifestyle shaped by faith in Jesus Christ.


Look at Acts 24:14, where Paul says, “I confess that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of The Way, which they call a sect.” 


Paul acknowledges the term, The Way, while affirming its deeper meaning is a life rooted in faith. Then he highlights key beliefs, specifically, the resurrection of the dead:


“I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the righteous and the unrighteous” (Acts 24:15).


By adopted The Way as a name, he signifies not only his core beliefs in action but also that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God who died for our sins and rose from the dead—but also our way of living by faith.


Furthermore, the book of Acts offers practical insights into this way of life. Acts 20:7 describes how early Christians gathered on the first day of the week to break bread and listen to teaching. They lived in a community, sharing meals and observing the Lord’s Table as part of their worship. This act of breaking bread—both for fellowship and Communion—was central to their identity.


Now, think about how believers are described in the Bible. Names like saints, servants, and brethren emphasize this relationship and shared identity. 


But beyond names, there’s a deeper point: Christians are not called to live in anonymity. Sadly, some believers act like they’re in spiritual witness protection program—hiding their faith as if they were secret agents. Yet Scripture calls us to be visible witnesses for Christ.


The benefits of this community life is that when trouble comes, that’s when you realize the importance of community. We need each other. Christians are not lone rangers; we belong to a spiritual family.


Living The Way, of God, being in the family of God, means joining a spiritual family where love, unity, and mutual ministry are foundational.


We are called to be together and to minister to one another, reflecting the interconnected, life-giving nature of living the Christian way.


Another central theme in the New Testament about what a church should be is unity.


Paul addresses the issue of division in the Corinthian church, where some claimed allegiance to someone called Apollos, others to Peter, and still others just to Christ but in a way that they were posing as more spiritual than the rest. 


Paul rebukes them all, calling them spiritual infants, and urges them to grow up and work together as family.


Unity is a critical issue, and in Philippians, Paul outlines that we are able to achieve it: through submission. Submitting to one another, following the example of Christ.


Submission, however, is something we cannot learn in isolation. Unity only becomes real when conflict arises—and conflict will arises. Why? Because churches are made up of human beings. Knowing Jesus doesn’t eliminate conflict; but it does guarantee opportunities for growth.


This is why being part of a group matters so much. 


·        First, you learn by being in a community.

·        Second, you grow in love—especially when someone inevitably rubs you the wrong way. That person is not an obstacle but an opportunity to learn patience and grace.

·        And third, you gain examples to follow. Christianity isn’t a do-it-yourself faith; it requires role models.


Paul told the Philippians, "Join in following my example" and encouraged them to note others walking faithfully. In 1 Corinthians, he says, "Follow me as I follow Christ." Mature believers show us how to live. They demonstrate godly character not just in what they say but in how they live. Actions speak louder than words.


Look to those from within your faith community who are slow to speak but rich in faith when they do, and imitate them.


My own spiritual life has been shaped by mentors—men and women whose lives reflected Christ. When one mentor had taught me all they could, or moved on to another location, I sought another. No single person is a perfect model, but together, we build one another up. That’s why the church is essential.


So, be part of a local church, immerse yourself fully in it and learn, serve, and find mentors to follow. And foster connection because that is where ministry often takes place.


Lastly, remember that names carry meaning and the name we carryas Christians is Christ


Alexander the Great reportedly confronted a soldier also named Alexander who was behaving cowardly. His command? "Change your behavior or change your name."


We bear the name of Christ. Let’s live in a way that honors it—walking together, submitting to one another, and striving for unity as members of His body.

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