The Bible Project
Why not make Studying the Bible part of the rhythm of your daily life. The Bible Project Daily Podcast is a 5 year plan to study through the entire Bible, both Old and New Testament, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Season one is a short overview of each of the sixty-six books of the Bible. Season two launches our expositional journey through the whole Bible beginning with the book of Genesis. Season three is our first New Testament foray, covering the Gospel of Matthew. Following a short Bonus season. Season Four will then return in May 2023 with the Book of Exodus. Why not join me on this exciting journey as we study the whole Bible together from Genesis to Revelation.
The Bible Project
Bonus Episode - The Myth of Trauma - A Christian Perspective in the Light of Reading Gabor Maté's "The Myth of Normal"
This is an example of the two free additional Bonus Episode I offer every month to my Patreon community along with an ad-free version of the podcast at;
Episode Notes: The Myth of Trauma - A Christian Perspective
Episode Title: The Myth of Trauma - A Christian Perspective in the Light of Reading Gabor Maté's "The Myth of Normal"
Main Themes:
- Maté's Thesis:
- Gabor Maté's book argues that what society considers "normal" is actually maladaptive and rooted in a toxic cultural framework, leading to widespread trauma and stress. Maté critiques societal norms that perpetuate stress, disconnection, and trauma, proposing that many health issues stem from these factors.
- Biblical Perspective:
- From a Christian viewpoint, normalcy is defined by God's purpose for humanity, as outlined in the Bible.
- Romans 12:2 emphasizes transforming one's mind to discern God's will, rather than conforming to worldly standards.
- Christianity offers a framework for understanding health and normalcy based on biblical principles and spiritual well-being.
Five Main Themes of Maté’s Book:
- Trauma and Its Impact:
- Cultural Toxicity:
- Mind-Body Connection:
- Healing and Recovery:
- Small t and Big T Trauma.
Christian Counter Perspectives:
- Human Dignity:
- Role of Forgiveness:
- Ultimate Hope and Redemption:
- Community and the Church:
- Worldview and Authority:
While Maté's insights into trauma and societal norms offer valuable perspectives, a Christian viewpoint emphasizes spiritual health, the reality of sin, and the transformative power of a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Maté’s advocacy for psychedelics and engaging with spirits for healing is critically examined and refuted based on biblical principles of sobriety, self-control, dependence on God, and the sanctity of the body (Ephesians 5:18, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
Closing Thoughts:
- Understanding trauma and societal issues from both secular and Christian perspectives can provide a comprehensive view of health and well-being. Embracing biblical principles offers a unique and holistic approach to healing, grounded in faith and community.
Scripture References:
- Romans 12:2
- John 16:33
- Psalm 147:3
- James 5:14-16
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
- Galatians 6:2
- Hebrews 10:24-25
- 1 Peter 4:8
- Isaiah 53:5
- Revelation 21:4
- Ephesians 5:18
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
- Genesis 1:27
- Matthew 6:14-15
- Ephesians 4:32
- Colossians 2:8
Jeremy McCandless is creating podcasts and devotional resources | Patreon
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